New Year's Beauty Resolutions You Can Keep

New Year's Beauty Resolutions You Can Keep
Posted on December 31 2020 by admin

New Year’s Eve is almost here! Every year we make New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions, but in reality, those resolutions rarely make it past the first couple of weeks. This year make resolutions you can keep that will help you look and feel better than ever before. Read on for some easily attainable and sustainable beauty resolution for your hair and skin in 2021.

#1 Drink More Water You’ve heard it a thousand times already, but we’re going to say it again- drink more water! Make it a goal this year to take in 8 glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated w plumps the skin from within to minimize fine lines, as well as combats dry skin and hair. It also allows your body systems to work more efficiently, removing toxins to promote greater skin clarity. To make it easier, get a 1-liter water bottle. Fill it before breakfast and aim to empty it by lunch. Refill it with the goal of finishing before bedtime. You’ll have your 8 glasses without even thinking about it.

#2 Moisturize Regularly This is the single most important skincare step to maintain a youthful appearance, yet often, it’s the most neglected. To remind yourself to apply moisturizer regularly, place moisturizers in easy to dispense containers throughout your home. Stock up on pump bottles and place one by your favorite chair and every sink. Add a tube of hand cream to your purse and car. Keep your facial moisturizer on the bathroom counter, and another on your nightstand. You won’t have the excuse of not wanting to get back up on nights when you forget.

#3 Get More Sleep We’ve all heard the phrase ”beauty sleep”. Well, it’s a real thing. Not getting enough sleep means your body can’t repair and rejuvenate itself properly, which can result in tired puffy eyes and a washed-out, dull complexion, among other things. Make it a point to get a full 8 hours every day in 2021. To help you remember to turn it on time, set an alarm for bedtime. Actually, you should set one for 30 minutes before bedtime to allow time to quickly wrap up whatever you’re doing and get ready. Then set another for bedtime so you don’t get distracted and stay up later than you intended.

#4 Take Better Care of Your Hair Don’t worry. We’re going to keep this one simple. First, make it your goal to visit your stylist for a haircut every 6-8 weeks this year. Go ahead and get your appointments penciled in on your calendar and set reminders on your phone so you won’t have the excuse of forgetting. Healthy hair starts at the root! Use our Pre-Shampoo Cleansing Oils from Rene Furterer (available at Kossof Beauty) Use once a week before your shampoo, massage well into your scalp. Next, invest in a good deep conditioning treatment or mask (ask your Kossof stylist for a recommendation) Designate one night a week, and write it on your calendar. It only takes a few minutes once a week, and your hair will thank you for it.

These four simple things are the foundation of a good beauty routine, and they’re so easy! Come see the amazing stylists at Teddie Kossof for a new look for the new year, and then commit yourself to these resolutions for your most beautiful year ever! Give us a call at (847) 999-9500 to reserve your appointment or use our online booking tool. You can also download our free mobile app from iTunes or Google Play to manage appointment from your phone. You will find us at 281 North Waukegan Road in Northfield, IL.